A l’occasion de l’IDS à Cologne, la revue Ceramic Implants a décidé de soutenir notre Académie EACim via un partenariat à long terme.

La revue Ceramic Implants est une revue internationale centrée sur le développement de l’implantologie céramique.

Elle occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans le monde de l’implantologie car les implants en céramique deviennent incontournables.

Les praticiens peuvent y découvrir de nombreux articles et des présentations de cas cliniques illustrant l’utilisation des implants en céramique.

Les articles sont rédigés par les praticiens de renommée mondiale dans le but de partager leur expérience et leur passion dans cette implantologie très demandée par les patients soucieux d’une implantologie biocompatible.

Découvrez les articles publiés dans cette dernière revue, avec par exemple, celui de notre Ambassadeur EACim pour l’Allemagne : Dr Jochen Mellinghoff. »


Zirconia implants and digital workflow: A case report
Drs Saurabh Gupta & Sammy Noumbissi

“No technical or biological complications were recorded after one year of implant functioning. Thus, the use of a zirconia implant in this case turned out to be a suitable alternative to a titanium implant. The soft tissue surrounding the implant was stable and exhibited outstanding biocompatibility.”

Tooth replacement with one-piece zirconia implants
Dr Paul S. Petrungaro

“The use of a one-piece zirconia implant, especially one that can be adjusted and prepared to fit a particular situation after placement, offers an additional benefit, as the elimination of the micro-gap, often present with two-piece implant designs, is eliminated.”

Single-tooth restoration in the aesthetic zone
Dr med. dent. Franz-Jochen Mellinghoff, EACim Ambassador for GERMANY.

“The clinical case report describes a successful single tooth restoration of an aesthetically compromised dentition using Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant. The natural-looking ivory colour of this implant allowed us to meet the expectations of patients who are seeking to achieve better aesthetic outcomes.”

Rehabilitation of an edentulous mandible
Prof. Ziv Mazor

“Prof. Ziv Mazor is a leading Israeli periodontist. Since 1993 Prof. Mazor is engaged in clinical research in the field of Bone Augmentation and Sinus Floor Elevation. He is a well published author on these subjects and has lectured extensively internationally.”

The key to lasting aesthetics
Dr Robert Bauder

“Throughout the past five to ten years, the number of different ceramic implants offered by the industry has increased significantly. There are tissue level and bone level implants and two-piece and one-piece systems— the definition of the last of which is up for debate.”

Single-tooth restoration with an all-ceramic implant solution
Prof. Dr med. dent. Michael Gahlert

“The NobelPearl implant system made of high-strength alumina toughened zirconia (ATZ) represents the current state-of-the-art when it comes to two-piece ceramic implant systems with microrough surfaces. Different all-ceramic abutments can be chosen, which guarantees prosthetic flexibility. The fixing of the abutment parts with a carbon screw has been clinically tested and is, thus, safe.”

Ceramics come of age
Prof. Stefan Holst, Switzerland

“In this article, Professor Holst explores the development of ceramic implants, and how Nobel Biocare now offers a unique solution that can give clinicians peace of mind in this niche, yet growing market.”