Co-organized with SCOI (Sociedad Científica de Odontología Implantológica), CACim hosted its annual seminar, in Madrid (La Salle University)

The organization of the EACIm seminar in Madrid on June 15 was a great success, thanks to our collaboration with SCOI and its President Jordi Cargallo. This close collaboration between our Ambassador for Spain, Olivier Cheron, and this scientific society of Spanish implantology made this wonderful event possible at the University of La SALLE in Madrid, thanks to Pr Arantza Rodriguez.

The EACim Academy joined forces with SCOI to discuss the evolution of the zirconia implant and its alternative to titanium.

Our 6 international speakers shared their expertise at this one-day event on zirconia implantology.

Norbert CIONCA on stage … to explain titanium corrosion and metal particles impact in peri-implantitis

Javier GIL on stage explain the physics chemical properties of zirconia applied in implantology… amazing lecture 👍👏

Very nice conference from Sofia KARAPATAKI, our Greek ambassador, she carries the flame high! 👍👏

Simone MARCONCINI a speaker from TBR
Z1 infinity an hybrid implant between the world of titanium and the one of Zirconia : an unique solution for modern Implantology 👍👏

Jorge Cortés-Breton Brinksman on stage, explaining the current and future options for Zirconia dental impacts 👍👏